Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This is a family close to my heart; I basically lived at their house through high school.  Other than leaving my socks in the living room, it was the perfect place for me.  I was treated as much like family as an outsider can be... I am forever grateful for the kindness and fun I have had over the years with the Watley's.
This is the start of the fourth generation that has been around for Watley Seed Co.
Family legacies are almost as cool as watching your 'second parents' get to become grandparents with one of your "sisters" kids!!

The time is here... for Christmas Card pictures... 
These two ladies are two of my favorites and there is never a dull moment; dogs, horses & Mary make for a great time with Sally. 
Mary Long is 90+ and acts 25; she has a zest for life that is admirable and her stories are fabulous to sit around and listen too. She has lived and then lived again and I can honestly say I believe she isn't looking to stop anytime soon :) 
The first photo embodies her and is why I love photography; catching each person in their own little environment.  

Meet the Cruz Family! I had the pleasure to take their pictures through a friend giving a gift card.  I love meeting new people and trying to catch their family moments frame by frame. 
They were so much fun and laid back! Enjoy... 

This precious little girl is extra special! She has had a rough year and doesn't even know it yet. 
She is the baby of 4 kids and the daughter of two fabulous parents. 
Her daddy was tragically killed in a car wreck a few months back; she is the pillar of strength and reason to live.  We don't get to pick our hardships and sometimes it is more difficult than others to look to God and say, it is your will and your way but watching them learn a "new normal" with so many new changes has been sad yet uplifting to witness.  

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tis the senior session season! 
I do love sr pictures, they are my fave but they do come with deadlines and stress... so I am always glad to see it come and then go :) 
Here are just a few of my faves to share... 
These kiddos don't have a clue how life is about to start

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I talked to a friend about taking pictures of his hunting dogs and as I thought about it, I knew it could go really well or really not! :) New ventures always run the risk of failure or not getting quite what I had in mind.  
But you don't know if you don't try! So we took an afternoon and took pictures of these beautiful animals who absolutely love their job and making their 'dad' happy.  
It was such a fun experience and most importantly... Loved what I got! 
What do you think